Play around MT.Siguniang

Don't miss out this cool and refreshing place in summer!

Travel is to leave your comfort zone,

and come back with a fresh mind,

leaving your footprints, and then recalling and relishing your experience.

Be sure to visit the Mount Siguniang in the mid-summer.

Reading or traveling,

Your soul or body

must be on the way.

The waterfalls on the Mount Siguniang

are of a great variety of shapes.

Every waterfall has been tested,

which rushes forward with great strength and perseverance.
Embarking on a journey

is to meet the best of yourself.
Listen to flowing streams,

and feel the relief you've long waited.

Water, soft but firm, quiet but moving,

the rocks, moss and vines by streams...

are bewitchingly beautiful.
Mountains and trees, water and sky


make a fascinating picture,

letting us indulge in.
